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RGB image of Jupiter taken on 29 April 2019 under good/moderate seeing. TRT-NEO/CDK700/ASI290MM.


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Jupiter images taken under moderate/variable seeing conditions on 28 April 2019. TRT-NEO/CDK700/ASI290MM.


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Jupiter taken on 25 April 2019 under moderate seeing conditions in RGB and Methane Band (889nm). TRT-NEO/CDK70/ASI290MM.


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Images of Jupiter in RGB and IR taken on 24 April 2019 under moderate/good seeing. TRT-NEO/CDK700/ASI290.


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IR image of Saturn taken on 28 April 2019 reveals distinct Polar Hexagon as well as the Encke Gap and wispy C-ring. TRT-NEO/CDK700/ASI290MM. 


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Saturn taken on 24 April 2019 under moderate seeing. IR was not taken due to interruption by twilight. TRT-NEO/CDK700/ASI290. North Polar Hexagon can still be seen in the image.


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Mars 2018, up to 23 August.


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Mars on 15 August 2018. The martian dust storm is still hanging there, albeit to a lesser extent than a few week ago.


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The Evening Planets - taken on the same night (12 August 2018) with the same telescope and camera. Venus image was constructed from IR, UV+IR, and UV filters for R, G, and B channels, respectively. Seeing was variable estimated at 4/10 (Venus), 6/10 (Jupiter and Saturn), and 8/10 (Mars) with transparency estimated at 9/10. (TRT-SKA/CDK700/ASI174)


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The changing phase of Venusian disc after inferior conjunction on 25 March 2017.


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Mercury and Venus compared (2017-05-12).


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Jupiter & Ganymede at opposition in IR (2017-04-07).


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The Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635, Caldwell 11), is an emission nebula in Cassiopeia. The image was taken through narrow band filters with total integration time of approximately 14 hours (SII:H-alpha:OIII = 485:200:220 mins). Hubble color scheme of SHO was used to process the image. CDK700/ProLine16803 (TRT-SRO).




NGC 4244 (Caldwell 26) an edge-on loose Spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici. L:R:G:B = 120:60:60:60 mins. CDK700/ProLine16803 (TRT-SRO).

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Venus at greatest brilliancy (2017-04-30)




Venus images taken on 26 March 2020. In time of social distancing, this planet is gradually getting closer to us day by day. It will be at the Inferior Conjunction (between Sun and Earth) in June this year.

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